Saturday, July 29, 2017
How We Live Our Lives
-What is the good life?
-How do parents act towards their children?
-How do we deal with death?
-How do we deal with alienation from those around us?
-Should we conform or be original?
-How do we become adults? What is the process of maturation?
-What is the relationship between different generations or genders?
-How do we deal with excessive poverty or wealth?
Human Nature
-Are we naturally evil or good?
-Are we born with inherited traits or are we a "blank slate"?
-What's more important for human beings? Law and order or freedom?
-Are we determined by our genetic structure, environment, etc., or do we have free will ?
-Are we naturally social beings or are we individuals first?
-Can we know universal truths?
-Are we selfish or altruistic?
Human Society
-What's the best way to live together?
-Should we care for the weak and poor, or let them fend for themselves?
-What is a natural society: equality or hierarchy?
-Is civilization positive or negative?
-How should society treat the environment?

The human condition.

I guess part of human nature is selfishness. We care more about our own happiness than that of others. Oftentimes, we do things without considering if someone else gets hurt by our actions. Do we build our happiness at the expense of somebody else's? Does it make us feel better, does it give us joy, to hurt someone else, sometimes intentionally just because? 
Could there ever be a complete joy that doesnt cost someone else something ? 

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