Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Been looking at paintings and wishing I have the time and the energy to start a new one. But I feel annoyed at not having complete the previous wave painting... so things remain as status quo... arghh! Started practicing calligraphy again but this time with brush pens which is less messier as compared to dip pens or fountain pens. I could practice it while lying in bed as opposed to having set up the study table for DP and FP. I find myself getting a little reclusive the past month, with no mood to socialize when I've been meaning to catch up with some pple before school starts. Alas, I'd rather spend time tending to my plants. Re-potted the mint today as I suspected it was suffering from a case of root-bound. Cut away most of the dead roots and separated the salvageable ones. Snipped off a few stems for propagating. Hope it works. Gardening seems I don't know a no-brainer but it actually is an art form in itself. Every plant has its own needs- they die when you over-water, they die when you under-water. Too much sunlight and they burn, too little sunlight and they wither. I wonder how long more before I get tired of expending so much time and effort on the plants. But then again, gardening is quite therapeutic too. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm suffering from some undiagnosed depression or stress coz I keep finding "therapeutic" things to do. Cooking too is therapeutic but I'm a boring cook, always returning to the same old recipes. Quite pleased with the bruschetta I made and the satisfaction was doubled when the basil came from my "garden".
I think I kinda lost my travel plans. Couldn't think of a place I wanted to visit when a colleague asked  But to recap:
Southern parts of the states and Yellowstone
Nepal again
Morocco + Sahara

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