Friday, December 26, 2014

The happiness project- Gretchen Rubin

This was an okay read but there were "resolutions" and steps to achieving these resolutions that I felt like trying out. It's not exactly groundbreaking stuff but rather simple things like "if you think you are happy, you are happy", "cutting others slack", etc. I agree with the author that staying chirpy is actually hard work, as compared to being negative/ "heavy".
It's easy to be critical, judgmental, angry, etc but difficult to let yourself remain positive/ cheerful despite any circumstances.  
I liked her idea of publishing her own books through a website called Eg turning all her blog entries into a book, short stories she had written, etc. 

I think making resolutions is easy, but getting started and sticking to them is tough. I liked that the author discerned the difference between a goal and a resolution. A goal is something you set to accomplish and once achieved, that goal is finished. Resolution is something you set to achieve everyday of your life- basically becoming a part of who you are. 

My resolution is to be more encouraging and be able to pass compliments/ words of affection. I often have difficulty encouraging / complimenting others even when I really feel that the person is deserving of it or is needing to hear an encouragement. I don't know why it is a barrier for me. Shyness? Fear of appearing too "fake"? 
Case in point: niece said she hasn't seen me for a while and that she missed me. I wanted to say I've missed you too but just couldn't bring myself to do it. 

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