Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Inferno- Dan brown

The problem with reading Dan brown is that it's like watching a drama series. You find it hard to stop, Which explains the panda like eyes I have these past 3-4 days. Inferno is however, a diluted version of da Vinci code and angels and demons in my opinion. It's hard to top the successes of those two books. The same goes for the lost symbol. The formula of the Robert Langdon series is similar but in inferno, there's less of the puzzles and riddles going on. Whatever puzzle there is, lies only in a small excerpt of dante's poem. It was a little nice that in inferno, he moved out of his favorite settings-france and Italy, to turkey.  I don't know what else to say about the book, except that there are just too little things going on and there's really nothing new and exciting in this book. The only thing it did for me was inspire me to read the divine comedy. I'd started reading it halfway through reading inferno but boy, the language is really not that palatable. 

One other thing that came to my mind while reading the book was that the problem with the world is not exactly over population per se. If we had not advanced our technology this fast and human beings have not gotten into the habit of over consumption, then over population might not be that big an issue. if the population we have now had occurred say two centuries ago, would we have feared that the resources we have would be insufficient for the population? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. 

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