Saturday, April 26, 2014

Captivating- John and Stasi Eldredge

Was given this book as a baptism gift by(from?) Janice. She had mentioned she loved their (Christian couple) books. Although the theme/idea is not exactly new, I actually found it quite radical, albeit a little hard to accept. That a woman is passive, is defined by love, has a need to be pursued, etc...but i cant make a judgment now till i finish the book. There are some parts I love though like how God romances us by showing us gifts He know will make us excited and happy. For John, it was sighting of a whale during one of his walks on the beach, for Stasi it was a starfish and then a whole bunch of them on one of her walks alone as well. It reminds me of that one moment when I was 16, past midnight in Dec (couple of days I think before my b'day), seeing my cousin out of the house, and then watching her from the corridor to see that she got in to her father's car, I saw the brightest blue shooting star (the first time i saw a shooting star actually) shot across the Orion and the full moon. The sky that night was unbelievably clear but seriously, it was the least expected. My place was on the 5th floor and surrounded by neighboring flats that I could barely see much skies. And that blue star just seemed to come Of nowhere, in between the rows of flats....That moment left one gasping in awe. And yes, have to agree that the Creator is the best artist there is in the Universe and that He appreciates beauty as much as we do.
Although subsequently I had made intentional trips to see the meteor showers (Leonids), none could measure up to that one shooting star. I wish to feel that kind of awe again.

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