Friday, March 4, 2022


 Just a thought that came to me. It’s often easier to appear all nice and encouraging by telling people what they want to hear - they did a great job, they are wonderful, look great, etc. perhaps on the surface, after having our egos stroke, we think that the flatterer is seemingly a good person who always has something positive to say to everyone. On second thoughts however, I wonder how much of our interests does this person have/ care about? Wouldn’t it be in our best interest if someone points to us gently, on how we could be better, on what our failings are? By offering only praises (fake or otherwise), is that person only acting in his/her own interest - to be well-liked? And if we venture a step further, why is it important to this person to be in your good books? Is it so as to gain some benefits, or is it just a way for him /her to pave a route for future favors? I guess people like that understand and thus pander to that human weakness called vanity.

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