Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jane Austen- pride and prejudice

Pride and prejudice is so much nicer than sense and sensibility even though the subject matter revolves around yet again, courtship and marriages.
Much of the content were largely similar to sense and sensibility, so I’m not quite sure why I enjoyed this book so much more.
Perhaps much of it can be attributed to the highly likeable characters in the book like Mr Darcy, Elizabeth, Jane, and Mr Wickham.
I am not sure what the debate was about Mr Darcy but I would think everyone would love to have a Darcy in their lives- someone who appears standoffish but is actually warm and kind. His unwaning love for Elizabeth despite the rejections and the lengths he went to, to help her out of sticky situations, sigh....
I guess it appeals to our “desire” to have a hero in our lives, much like how the Marvel Avengers appeal to most.

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