Monday, August 20, 2018

It’s been just one bad news after another the last few weeks. Sometimes I think I’ve been so protected  under this invisible dome that I find it difficult to deal with bad news.

I wonder again if we have been chasing the wrong things all this time.

You know how it is, when we want things others have, think the things others want us to think, lead the lives we think others will approve of.

We romanticize things and spend our time focusing on man-made rituals rather than What’s truly important.

Find the perfect engagement ring, the perfect house, plan the perfect proposal, perfect wedding and perfect honeymoon, but forgetting to ask ourselves if this person is the one we want to love, to protect, to share all things with, for the rest of eternity. Most of us are short-sighted these days. We want these instant gratifications because there are some situations we want to get out of-the fear of loneliness, the need to flee the nest, social pressure, etc. what is it do we really want?what is it do we really want the other person to have? Are we the best for them? Are they the best for us?

I’ve ruminating on Ecclesiastes. How true it is that everything is meaningless under the sun. Solomon the wisest man had EVERYTHING and EVERY experience that one could ever have but eventually found no pleasure in any of them. What was his conclusion in the end? Obey God’s word. Period.

I think we will all reach a point where we find all this running and indulging in things, silly and futile. There’s always this insatiable appetite for what’s next.... what’s next? Do I really care? I don’t know.

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