Tuesday, January 3, 2017


did a fair bit of traveling in 2016- thailand, Norway, Iceland, korea, Taiwan, Nepal; perpetually traveling once every 2-3 months, which was the reason why I was lamenting the loss of my leave. It is unlikely that this year I will be traveling as much. Kinda sad as I still want to do that RV thing. I remain undecided about going to US, quite likely the opportunity has passed. Ah, to go or not to go... so many places left unexplored. Haven't had the chance to explore the south yet and that is something on my bucket list. My idea at first was to go to Yellowstone but unfortunately Feb is not the best time to visit the national park. What a painful waste!
Tasmania and morrocco will have to wait till next year I guess. The gang had wanted to go on a road trip in Europe since j and p are now residing permanently there. I would have loved to check out sardegna. Anyhow, looks like the only place I am likely to go would be Australia, which I don't really mind. It was nice exploring the vineyards and staying on a farm, bbqing at a cottage by the sea, sitting in front of the fireplace, scouring flea markets for vintage stuff, browsing the farmer's market for food.....
I shall just dream for now...

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