Sunday, July 31, 2016


I was disappointed to say the least. It's funny how the most "spiritual" community/place in the world, is one that is full of pettiness, frustration, anger, etc. I can understand why people oftentimes give up on the faith and end up being disillusioned and disgruntled. I admit sometimes I feel like a hypocrite myself- I can't practice what I preach. It's easy to find excuses that it is not easy to follow God's way, that we are mere humans, that we are bound to sin. Are these reasons justifiable? Can we always use these reasons to not perfect our ways? I am not even sure what I am getting at. 
There have been times when I thought of leaving the church (but not the faith). There's an often misquoted line from Gandhi that says "I like your Christ but not your Christians". We are not sure if Gandhi really said that and we are not sure what his idea of Christ was. As I was sulking, this quote came to my mind. I know it isn't even right for me to think this, let alone wanting to quote it. To a small extent, however, the quote rings true. I think we expect a lot more from fellow Christians and upon seeing a small transgression from one of them, we stumble in the faith and doubt whether the faith is truly life-transforming. We tend to overlook the goodness but focus only on the bad. In the current situation, I can only see the bad coz I chose to turn away from all the goodness. It's always about our own choices/will but to make the right choices, I guess we have to defer to God.

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