Thursday, January 5, 2023


 The inkwell has run dry. I think my prose has weakened ever since I stopped reading consistently. Consistency, I guess, is the only way to keep honing your craft. I’ve lost consistency in so many areas, fitness, studies, writing, reading….constantly feeling overwhelmed and tired. 

This year seems like a year to write people off. Finding it harder and harder to keep relationships. I guess as we age, we grow more miserly with our time. I’ve been thinking if I’ve had too much expectations of people but without expectations, what does that make me?A doormat, a valueless thing that you keep in the darkest corner of a room in case you need it one day? I’m tired of people, having to deal with them, their motives, schemes… why can’t people just be simple - what you see is what you get. Why do we need to complicate things by scheming, attacking, defending? Why can’t we just say whatever’s on our mind? Why can’t our intentions be pure? 

Perhaps the hermit life suits me better. 


  1. I just found you today because I am a Chef and Sommelier in Canada and was looking for Meg Ryan and a Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway for my recipe no 6 of my “I hope I will be published book” ;) and you popped! Yes I do get what you are saying here, I am an hermit myself, indulge in a great cup of coffee today life is about you first the rest can wait tomorrow;)

  2. 0543 - 23 Feb. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ This is just what my 63 yr old heart needed to read just now. Thanks ๐Ÿ’œ
