Saturday, October 17, 2020

Love and other things

Been a long time since I stayed out past 3am. The breeze, the view kept us awake. Meow really enjoyed the place and We talked till my voice turned hoarse. 

There are some things I realize about love and people. Some people avoid love/attachment because they fear loss. This is something that I’m guilty of sometimes. Some people they use love as a means to get to where they need to be. For instance, someone who desperately wants to be married, goes out seeking and chooses someone deemed to be suitable as a life partner  or checks all the boxes versus someone who falls in love with someone and decides to marry that someone they fell in love with. 

The latter is something that I subscribe to. You WANT to get married because you WANT to marry that person as opposed to you WANT to get married and someone comes along and you evaluate if this person is suited to get married to. 

I do wonder if one is better than the other. To the world, it may look like the same thing but I think fundamentally, it’s vastly different. One is a selfish kind of love - you are using someone to fulfil your own desire. The other to me, is pure love. But then again, people can grow to love someone. People can make a decision to love or make things work because they need it to, because they need to fulfil their own desire. Sometimes it could be that both parties have the same desires and they choose to give each other the chance to fall in love.

I do wonder though if pure love exists in a world that has grown exceedingly self-centred. 

On another note, meow said men and women may perhaps be the same, in that our egos get stroked in the same way, when someone expresses their interest in us. I reckon it contains a bit of truth coz well, human beings in general are vain and narcissistic. Most have no qualms about leading others on for their own egoistic needs and for some, perhaps as a back up plan in case they do get lonely (know too many of such assholes). I initially had rejected this notion, thinking that men would behave in this manner but not women. But after some exchange, I guess both sexes might be guilty of such offences. Disgusted that I am, I guess it’s all part of human nature. 

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