Monday, January 19, 2015

Role models

During bible study, we were asked who our role models were. Honestly, I couldn't think of any at that time. There are people whom I admire for their talents, tenacity, etc but as a role model, there really aren't many. But after a while, started to realize that yes, I do have one and that is Jesus. I of course didn't say this during bs, because it would have sounded too politically correct. It's really hard to imagine anyone else who could love as much as He did and truly truly forgive others for their trespasses as He did. His 
wonder lies not in his miracles and power or even as the son of God but for his ability to love. 
After all they did to him, this was what he said:
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” 

Indeed, most of the times we do not know what we do. I think most of us have inherited God's capacity to love but sometimes, this capacity gets overshadowed by our inherent darker nature- selfishness, greediness, etc. for some, there may come a point where they lose all of that goodness. It often starts with a little anger, a little bitterness but if we are not careful, we can get engulfed by and trapped in our own shadows. 

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