Sunday, October 6, 2013

Seasons of life

This is a collection of stories of women's experiences in life and God. It's really quite inspiring and heartening to read about how God is always looking out for his people and getting them through difficult times- from divorce, to singlehood, to motherhood, to career, to widowhood... It brings to mind a passage in Corinthians that says: "you are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much and will
show you how to escape your temptations."
Many times when we face tribulations on life, we ask God why and sometimes even lose faith. But we must always believe that no tasks are too tough for us to overcome when we can lend strength from God.
That's just about what I had taken from the book. Honestly, the part that affected me the most was on death of loved ones. Whether it's a spouse or a parent. It just saddens me and though I know that I have Him, I do wonder sometimes if I can really be strong enough to bear the passing of someone dear.
Anyway, at the end of the book, it talked about mission trips to china. Recently there had been an opportunity to do this but I was hesitant coz I didn't feel that I was ready. But after coming across this, I was quite moved to join a mission trip. But alas, it did not come to fruition either. To say the truth, this was the third time that my plans to go for volunteering trip has failed. Initial plan was to head to Cambodia, second was to batam. I guess everything is in His time and hands.

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